Megan Stubbs, Coordinator
Specialist in Agricultural Conservation and
Natural Resources Policy
the U.S. and global economies continue to struggle, some inside and outside of
Congress have expressed concern about how environmental regulation may
stifle growth and productivity. Much of the criticism has focused on
environmental regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Some claim that EPA is overreaching its regulatory authority and imposing
costly and burdensome requirements on society. In general, the agriculture
community, among others, has been vocal in its concerns, contending that
EPA appears to be focusing some of its recent regulatory efforts on
agriculture. Many public health and environmental advocates, on the other
hand, support many of EPA’s overall regulatory efforts and in some cases argue
that EPA has not taken adequate action to control the impacts of certain
agricultural activities. Where agriculture contributes to environmental
impairment, these groups say, it is appropriate to consider ways to
minimize or eliminate the adverse impacts.
Growing interest in the impact of regulatory actions on many sectors of the
economy is evident in Congress, which continues to examine the role of EPA
and other federal agencies in regulating environmental protection.
Congress has a number of policy options to address or respond to potential
regulatory impacts.
Most environmental regulations, in terms of permitting, inspection, and
enforcement, are implemented by state and local governments, often based
on federal EPA regulatory guidance. In some cases, agriculture is the
direct or primary focus of the regulatory actions. In other cases, agriculture
is one of many affected sectors. Traditionally, farm and ranch operations have
been exempt or excluded from many environmental regulations. Given the
agricultural sector’s size and its potential to affect its surrounding environment,
there is interest in both managing potential impacts of agricultural
actions on the environment and also maintaining an economically viable agricultural
industry. Of particular interest to agriculture are a number of regulatory
actions affecting air, water, energy, and chemicals.
Agricultural production practices from both livestock and crop operations
generate a variety of substances that enter the atmosphere, potentially
creating health and environmental issues. Recent actions by EPA to
regulate emissions and pollutants have drawn criticism, including greenhouse gas
emission reporting and permitting requirements, and National Ambient Air
Quality Standards (NAAQS) related to particulate matter (commonly referred
to as dust). The agricultural community continues to show particular
interest in NAAQS because some farming and livestock practices contribute
to particulate matter emissions.
Water quality issues also are of interest to the agricultural industry. Water
is an input for production and can also be degraded as a result of
production through the potential release of sediment, nutrients,
pathogens, and pesticides. The extent and magnitude of water quality degradation
from agriculture practices varies greatly, but agriculture is proven to be a
significant source of impairment of several U.S. waters. Federal
environmental laws largely do not regulate agricultural actors, in many
cases giving the regulatory responsibilities to the states. One exception
is large concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), which are subject to permitting
requirements. Constraints on agricultural production to reduce pollution
discharges typically arise at the state level in response to local concerns,
and how to manage agricultural sources has been a prominent issue in
several large watershed restoration efforts, such as those in the
Chesapeake Bay and Florida Everglades.
Changes in energy policy, namely increased bioenergy production, have recently
become important to many in the agricultural industry, based on the
potential of corn-based biofuel production to contribute to the nation’s
energy supply through both the renewable fuel standard (RFS) and the
increased percentage of ethanol in gasoline (E15).
Hundreds of chemical products are available to repel or kill “pests” that
affect agricultural production. The federal regulation of these chemicals
includes registering and restricting their use. The risks associated with
agricultural chemical use and possible impacts on human health and the
environment also have led to recent federal regulatory reviews of chemical
fertilizer and pesticide use.
Date of Report: March 12, 2013
Number of Pages: 51
Order Number: R41622
Price: $29.95
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